Holy Cocksucking Shit Batman

Another fucking site? Why in the goddamn hell would you do such a thing?

Listen here fatass

How many of these fucks do you see with words darker than the cave you came from on a screen brighter than Stephen Hawking? Never. HTML 5? Who uses that shit?! What about CSS? What in the everliving fuck does that stand for? Cascading what?!?! See what I just fucking did there? Magic to these other places! All for you bitches.

Who fucking cares about style you asshat? (See also Backsassin')

Your page views. People you should give a shit about when you want to post on the intartubez to gather public attention. Don't think it's easy? Watch me insert and format text like a motherfucking boss Want to see some indentation?

Done cuntbag. Oh... Is this not intended enough for you?


But HTML 5 is too new and it doesn't work correctly for some of my clients!

Get new clients

Oh I'm sorry, did I fucking stutter? Or do you want to use a crutch to support your failing business until they find new schmucks to buy from or die off like the old fucks they probably are?

Besides. ANY browser that can't render HTML 5 let alone CSS correctly is unsafe -- more so than an abandoned nuclear dildo disposal site. HTML5 has been around for longer than Larry King has and every major browser — from Microsoft Ford Edge to even fucking Midori — has inbuilt support for it at the bare minimum requirements for we code monkeys refer to as "not a horrifically old shitshow". If your clients have issues, have them update their goddamn browsers. Their favorite website might look funny, but that only screams that it was broken to begin with. Besides, Google uses HTML5. Don't believe me? Save Google as an HTML page and open it up in Notepad2 or Notepad++ or fuck even Notepad works if you suck at coding. What does it say at the top?

<!DOCTYPE html>

That's HTML5. No doctype required beyond "html". How ELSE do you think the interactive doodles work you wank stain?

Get your shit in gear. Make your site look pretty. And if you don't give a flying rat's ass to do all the CSS I did, use bootstrap.js or angular.js, it's not hard. Your customers will thank you for exiting the stone age and joining modern society.

[Valid HTML5 Bitches!]